My Study Up for Deer Hunting…Oh And Scent Control…

As my readers know, I am off to Texas in late October for a Whitetail Trophy Hunt of a Lifetime. I have been thinking about my hunt ever since in booked it a month or so ago. We all like to think we are great hunters and we are, but the deer are better at it than you and I. We can only do our best and Study Up!

First and foremost for me is to FIND JOY IN THE HUNT and in the new friendships I will encounter. Have Fun with new friends and surroundings!

If the Spirit is right and you are willing, and you do your part, all will come together for great memories.

Having said that; I must put my student hat on and find out as much as possible on Large Racked Texas Whitetails and the way in which I intend to primarily hunt them. I prefer being an active hunter trying to do things such as Rattling and Grunting in combination with scents when the rut is just beginning. Having knowledge of prevailing wind, bedding areas and travel routes of both bucks and does can help put me in a favorable wind position.

Find the does and their bedding areas my friends and you will find the bucks not far away. Many of you are aware that Texas put “Antler Rattling” on the Whitetail Map of North America decades ago but few northern hunters use it well. I have used rattling and grunting for years and have had success taking New Hampshire Bucks. A secret piece of the hunting in Texas is that many Trophy Hunter use the position and phases of the Moon in their hunt plans. I have not used the Moon in the past but am becoming a believer, but, even with that skill,  being scent free is perhaps one of the most important parts of hunting mature deer.

Your scent is your worst enemy!

Stay clean, your boots inside too as well as outside. New science places bacteria at the core of the odor issue. Your hair, your hat, your face washed, back of your neck, arm pits, groin and feet need special attention. I believe body pH plays a part too. I killed a buck that walked near me (20 yards) after I doused myself and some in my hair with baking soda.  Suppress and eliminate bacteria caused odor and you will be miles ahead. Do your own research too, don’t take my word for it. Mouth breath with bacteria can alarm deer, some folks use hydrogen peroxide to rinse the mouth and kill bacteria, I use it when brushing my teeth. Now I will use it in the woods too.

Here is a youtube video that is one of the best I have seen for reducing scent.


Below uses anti-microbial silver with carbon. Wow! Gonna give this a try.

Good Hunting!

Don’t stink in the deer woods!



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About Ed Hale

I am an avid hunter with rifle and Bow and have been hunting for more than 50 years. I have taken big game such as whitetail deer, red deer, elk, Moose and African Plains game such as Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok, Blesbok, and Impala and wrote an ebook entitled African Safari -Rifle and Bow and Arrow on how to prepare for a first safari. Ed is a serious cartridge reloader and ballistics student. He has earned two degrees in science and has written hundreds of outdoor article on hunting with both bow and rifle.