Outdoor Campfire Cooking

Spring is here! Time to get outdoors to camp and have breakfast, lunch and dinner with mother nature. There is nothing like cooking a hearty meal over a wood fire with the right tools and set-up. Below, eggs, beans, sausage and sliced potato up in Pittsburg New Hampshire along Lake Francis.

There is nothing like Peach Cobbler in a Dutch Oven.


In a wilderness setting, a frypan is king and there are coated lightweight frypans and even titanium for less weight if backpacking but if you have the option of a heavier fry pan there is always cast iron which hold heat well.

I grew up visiting grandparents who never knew what air-conditioning was, like in the hot summer, accordingly we cooked over a contained wood fire and played outside till nightfall.

Frying foods in a large cast iron skillet was a great way to cook breakfast, eggs, fried potato, and thick ham slices and a pot of baked  beans with salt pork, Put the bread right near the fire and let it toast a bit.

Maybe your like me, I also like onion and pepper and sausage fried with the potato and you can even scramble eggs and add it to the frying  mix. In fact that brings  me to a cast iron Dutch oven for cooking over a fire.

We had a bbq grill basket with handle too for foods that we can just flip the basket to cook the other side.

Char-Broil Steel Grill Basket

Like salmon steaks, Asparagus, sliced zucchini and summer squash, roasted bell pepper and onion. Spray the basket with olive oil to keep food from sticking.

OMG I am already getting hungry. A new easy grill dish I saw recently was baked potato sliced open and then fried on the grill with beans/ chili , salsa and melted yellow cheddar topped with sour cream and flakes of cilantro. Of course a nice cold beer or sparkling spring water to help wash it down!


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About Ed Hale

I am an avid hunter with rifle and Bow and have been hunting for more than 50 years. I have taken big game such as whitetail deer, red deer, elk, Moose and African Plains game such as Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok, Blesbok, and Impala and wrote an ebook entitled African Safari -Rifle and Bow and Arrow on how to prepare for a first safari. Ed is a serious cartridge reloader and ballistics student. He has earned two degrees in science and has written hundreds of outdoor article on hunting with both bow and rifle.